Inspectorate county of Sibiu
English Italiano Română Türkçe
The school Inspectorate county of Sibiu is a public institution, which ensures counseling, coordination of activities at the highest professional standards for education and vocational institutions. Its activities are aimed at increasing the quality of the educational services, and making the education system efficient and in accordance with the European systems.
Number of schools: 160
Number of students: 65.712 in which 15.841 in high-school
The activities of the School Inspectorate of Sibiu are based on the following values and principles: professional competence, responsibility and integrity.
Main tasks :
- monitoring, support and evaluate the teachers activity and the management of the educational institutions;
- to ensure coherence between the national strategy and local education process;
- together with the local public administration, ensure the quality of the educational services offered, as well as the development of the material and human resources in all schools, according to national standards;
- to organize in-service teacher training courses for teachers and school managers in collaboration with the Teacher Training House;
- to help schools to develop extracurricular activities and projects, at the local, regional, national and international level.
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