All partners, including the students through their working groups, will participate in the improvement and dissemination of the activities described below, which will turn mainly at the beginning of the project to create the conditions needed to transfer the model to the different education and training systems of the area:
through seminars both in Italy, in Turkey and in Romania with the aim of encouraging the growth of awareness among stakeholders ( public administration of all levels of government , training agencies of the regions involved in the project, social peers, professional associations and others who care for disadvantaged groups on the issue of Peer Tutoring and training processes with particular emphasis on the effectiveness of the educational processes and training of disadvantaged students ) .
STRENGTHENING THE NETWORK OF STAKEHOLDERS through the help of local educational institutions with the goal of creating or providing support to existing vocational education and training systems. Each national school network is closely related to the institutional actors involved in local seminars or events. These members of the network will contribute to the dissemination of national results .
MEETINGS OF LINE COMMITTEES: at least once every six months in each country involved in the transfer of Innovation (Romania and Turkey) ; at least one a year in Romania.
ICT TOOLS: the visibility of the project results and the usability of the model will be guaranteed by the support of the communication ICT tools forum ; email, video conferences and meetings via Skype) and the adaptation of the dynamic multilingual portal www.peer2peertutoring.eu ; from the service of the newsletter ( about once every six months).